Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Water Marble Wednesday: Photo Tutorial

I need to go back to doing water marbles on my nails, but making jewelry is addictive!  Today, I'm posting how I make my water marble jewelry, and then I am going to go back to doing it on my nails, I promise.  Lots of pictures after the jump!

I start with my supplies--a roll of painting tape, the polishes I plan to use, a shallow dish of water and a pin.

I put my glass shape in the center of a piece of painting tape wider than the dish.

Then put the dish in the water.

Then press down on the sides of the tape so it's below the water level.

For smaller pieces, like earrings, I put two shapes on the tape at once.

Then drip in the colors and swirl them around until I have a pattern I like.

Then pull the tape out of the water with the glass shapes attached and let them dry for about 24 hours.

Then paint the back of the shapes with one of the colors I used for the marbling.

Let that dry, then clean any polish off the front of the glass shapes.

Use a drop of SuperGlue to hold the large heart to the backing and glue the wires to the smaller hearts.

Let the glue dry, and all this needs now is a chain or ribbon!

You can see from the first picture that I had intended to use China Glaze Flying Dragon with the Revlon Copper Penny, but the expansion rates of the two polishes were too different for a smooth marble, so I used Zoya Valerie instead.  The glass hearts, pendant tray and earring wires came from Candy Tiles on Etsy.

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